Soft Starter header

AuCom Electronics CSX Soft Starter



CSX compact soft starters are a compact motor starting solution. These compact, reliable starters provide Timed Voltage Ramp (TVR) start technology and robust TVR soft stop, to reduce electrical and mechanical stress on your motor. .

The CSX soft starter's small size and integrated bypass relays make installation easy, and allow the soft starter to fit in compact enclosures with limited ventilation. Rotary switches simplify configuration, and remote display and communication options allow trouble-free integration into common control networks.



AuCom CSX Family

Model Normal Duty Heavy Duty
AuCom CSX-007 18 A 17 A
AuCom CSX-015 34 A 30 A
AuCom CSX-018 42 A 36 A
AuCom CSX-022 48 A 40 A
AuCom CSX-030 60 A 49 A
AuCom CSX-037 75 A 65 A
AuCom CSX-045 85 A 73 A
AuCom CSX-055 100 A 96 A
AuCom CSX-075 140 A 120 A
AuCom CSX-090 170 A 142 A
AuCom CSX-110 200 A 165 A





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